AGROM-RO ASSOCIATION was founded in 1999 as part of the cooperation program between Switzerland and Romania. AGROM-RO is now a well-recognised training centre in rural development and is authorized as a vocational training provider by the NCAT. The objectives of the AGROM-RO programme are to improve the productivity of agricultural households and to improve efficiency in the domestic domain.

Through its activities, which are highly needed on the ground, it aims at giving a new dynamic impulse to the Romanian education system in the field of rural development.  During its development, the AGROM-RO Association oriented itself towards the most stringent problems of Romanian rural development, namely the limited knowledge and the minimal experience of the majority of households in how to deal/act in a market economy.

AGROM-RO in collaboration with Mountain Shepherd Federation of Romania and County Association of Mountain Sheep Breeders - A.J.C.M.O „Dealul Negru” from Bistrita Nasaud took all the necessary steps, (elaboration of documentation, obtaining approvals) for introducing in COR the occupations Mountain shepherd, Mountain sheep breeder, Mountain sheepman and Mountain herder.

The introduction in COR and then in NC gave to sheep breeders the possibility to certified qualification courses in  the occupation of Mountain shepherd (720 hours in total – Level 2 qualification), Mountain sheep breeder (360 hours in total – Level 1 Qualification) and Mountain shepherd (120 hours in total – Initiation Level).

Within the project “EU4Shepherds” for the “ANLYSIS OF THE ACTUAL SITUATION IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL TRAINING (VET) AND OTHER TRAINING IN  EXTENSIVE  LIVESTOCK  BREEDING AND PROFESSIONAL  SHEPHERDING” the territory proposed by AGROM-RO ASOCIATION for carrying out this analysis at the country level is the mountainous area of Romania, which comprises 27 counties1, located in 7 Development Regions.

In 2018, the Mountain Law was adopted, which provides both for adapting the initial training to the specific requirements of economic, agricultural and zootechnical activities, the environment and the mountain-type way of life, as well as to encourage and support continuous training for farmers and other relevant occupational categories2.

According to the Classification of Occupations in Romania3 occupations in the field of livestock farming are included in major group 6 - Skilled workers in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, with the following divisions and subdivisions:

  • 6121 Livestock farmers for milk and meat production: 612101 shepherd (sheepman), 612102 breeder-carer of domestic animals for milk and meat production, 612103 feed shredder, 612104 skilled livestock worker, 612105 cattle breeder, 612106 pig breeder, 612107 pig “mamos”, 612108 mountain shepman, 612109 mountain shepherd, 612110 mountain sheep breeder, 612111 mountain herder.
  • 6130 Farmers and skilled workers in vegetable crops and livestock farmers: 613001 farmer in vegetable production, 613002 farmer in animal production, 613003 farmer in vegetable crops and breeder
  • 6320 Livestock farmers whose production is intended for their own consumption
  • 6330 Mixed farm workers whose production is intended for their own consumption


The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) estimates that in Romania more than 20%4 of all jobs that will be created by 2030 will be in the agricultural sector.

Vocational education and training in the agricultural field in Romania can be achieved both through initial5 vocational training and continuous vocational training.

Initial vocational training is provided through vocational and technical education and regulated by the National Education Act No. 1/2011, with subsequent amendments and additions and implementing regulatory acts.

Continuous vocational training, is post-formal to initial vocational training, ensures lifelong learning and is carried out in two dimensions6:

  • Vocational training through qualification, initiation, training, specialisation programmes (organised by authorised vocational training providers under the law) and workplace training (organised by employers for their own staff);
  • Assessment of competences obtained by non-formal means (through competence assessment centres, authorised under the law).

1ORDER on the approval of the criteria for classification and the list of localities in the mountain area, MARD No. 97 of 19.02.2019 and MRDPA No. 1332 of 14.03.2019.

2Law of the mountain, no.197 of 20 July 2018

4CEDEFOP 2018 Skills Forecast Romania

5Romanian Vocational Education and Training Strategy for 2016-2020

6Romanian Vocational Education and Training Strategy for 2016-2020